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 Delivering value for clients 


About us

What we do

Specialist expertise

Delivering value for clients

Our experience

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Five Oceans Consulting delivers value for our clients in five ways:

  • Analytical rigour
    • We pride ourselves on providing insights and practical recommendations that are supported by thorough research and analysis. Every solution is custom-tailored for each client.
  • Implementation
    • We support implementation plans by working with management and integrating into client teams. We judge our success on the results our clients achieve through execution.
  • Specialist expertise
    • We offer a unique combination of online expertise and business smarts. Our capabilities include Trust and Safety, Product management, User-centric research and design, and a broad range of general business skills.
  • Global perspective, local action
    • We apply our international expertise to the Australian market, to develop solutions which address the challenges of the local competitive environment.
  • Partnerships
    • We partner with a variety of organisations to offer our clients a seamless, end-to-end service for developing and implementing their online strategies.

 Internet and business strategy services 

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