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Five Oceans Consulting provides the distilled insights that help senior executives make tough business decisions.

  • We work with our clients on a wide range of business issues. Our particular area of expertise is the online environment, where we support our clients developing comprehensive strategies and realistic operational plans to address the challenges of this rapidly changing market.
  • We pride ourselves on providing insights and practical recommendations that are supported by thorough research and analysis. We conduct an in-depth assessment of both primary and secondary data, including internal results, industry best practice, market opportunities and competitive dynamics.
  • We identify and prioritise those key decisions and actions that will have the greatest impact for our clients. Our recommendations are pragmatic and practical: we've seen too many idealistic reports gathering dust without ever being implemented. We judge our success on the results our clients achieve through execution.
  • We support implementation plans by working alongside management and integrating into client teams. We help identify any skill gaps provide appropriate resources if necessary, and ensure effective knowledge transfer over the course of an assignment.
  • We partner with a variety of organisations that share our commitment to delivering excellence. Our partners include content authors, creative design agencies, technology integration consultants and web developers. These partnerships mean we can offer our clients a seamless, end-to-end service for developing and implementing their online strategies.

 Internet and business strategy services 

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