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Five Oceans Consulting is always looking for exceptional candidates to join the team.

There's no such thing as a "typical" Five Oceans consultant. However, here's a list of some common characteristics:

  • A structured, detail-oriented and analytical approach to problem solving
  • A willingness to work closely alongside client teams to make strategy happen
  • Strong communications skills at all levels
  • Solid leadership potential
  • An effective, self-sufficient team player, demonstrating the flexibility and creativity required to deliver their particular piece of work on time and to budget
  • A passion for technology and it's role in helping companies achieve their goals

Finally, everyone at Five Oceans has their own special story that makes them unique. If you think you fit the profile, we'd love to hear yours. us your CV and tell us why you think you should join the Five Oceans Consulting team.

 Internet and business strategy services 

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