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    Nolan Wolff
  • Nolan Wolff
    • MBA (LBS) CFA BCom (Hons) (Info Sys) (UCT) BBusSc (Actuarial Science) (UCT)
    • Five Oceans Consulting was founded and is actively managed by Nolan Wolff. He successfully completed a variety of consulting engagements in the UK and South Africa with Bain and Company (the leading global management consulting firm) and Burlington Consultants (strategic due diligence for private equity funds). He has also spent a number of years at eBay in their London office, initially as Head of Trust and Safety / Customer Services Product at and more recently as Head of eBay Europe Professional Fraud and Verification.
  • Our clients benefit from a team with outstanding academic qualifications. In addition, the team brings years of international training, expertise and real-world experience to the Australian market. We apply this global perspective to develop proprietary solutions which address the challenges of the local competitive environment.

 Internet and business strategy services 

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