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Here are some examples of companies facing the challenge of Trust and Safety issues on the internet:

Dealing with the dark side of Facebook exposes property con

Dealing with the dark side of Facebook
Date: 27 February 2010
Source: Sydney Morning Herald

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    • It began with the posting of sickening pornographic images on a site set up to pay tribute to slain schoolboy Elliott Fletcher.

    • A week later, eight-year-old Trinity Bates was dead, and within 24 hours police were searching for more online vandals.

    • While one group of troublemakers was busy defacing her tribute page, another gang of online vigilantes was foregoing the justice system and calling for the death penalty for her accused murderer.

    • And if that wasn't enough, the week ended with news a schoolboy had been suspended after setting up a sarcastic site over missing schoolboy Daniel Morcombe, while 20 high school students were suspended for bullying teachers online.

    • So many high-profile incidents in such a short time has sparked a storm of public outrage, with Premier Anna Bligh personally penning a letter to Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, while Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said he would consider appointing an online ombudsman, describing cyber crime and internet bullying as "frankly frightening".

    • [...] exposes property con
Date: 21 July 2009
Source: Smart Company

    • Real estate classified site (owned by Fairfax Media) has warned users of a property scam where fraudsters create fake apartment advertisements to dupe victims out of cash.

    • Under the scam, would-be tenants contact the advertiser of the fake apartment and receive a reply telling them that the advertiser is overseas. The fake advertiser offers to send the keys and contracts after the would-be tenant sends a deposit. But, of course, the keys never appear.

    • ACCC deputy chairperson Michael Schaper says similar scams have been run with commercial property leases and says these are an example of a growing number of scams aimed directly at small business owners and would-be entrepreneurs.

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 Internet and business strategy services 

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